Energy Efficiency
Energy saving projects in ceramic kilns
GRINS offers its customers the possibility of developing an integrated energy saving project for ceramic kilns, thanks to the replacement of the kiln burners and the installation of oxygen control systems inside the kiln, which allow the customer to achieve significant reductions in gas consumption depending on the type of installation.
Advice and optimization in the contracting of energy supply.
GRINS offers its customers a thorough review and analysis of the best option for the customer, with special emphasis on aspects such as: consumption volume, consumption profile, contracted power or reactive energy.
Direct purchase of electricity and gas
At GRINS we represent our clients in the free electricity and gas market, which includes submitting offers, supervising the settlement process and making claims, among others. With this, the client is assured of total and absolute transparency in the energy bill and has more information and control of the costs, with a more detailed breakdown of them.
Advice on energy efficiency products
In GRINS we offer advice on different products to improve the energy efficiency of our customers’ facilities (LED lighting, capacitor banks, alternative systems for the generation of domestic hot water (DHW), heating and cooling, installation of variable frequency drives, etc.).
Monitoring of energy consumption
In GRINS we provide you with the systems and programs that best suit your needs to control your consumption, to adapt to new regulations and to detect possible points of improvement.